Jackfruit: Nourish Your Body with 6 Healthy Recipes

Jackfruit is the biggest fruit, it can weigh up to 55kg. It is a multi-purpose fruit its ripened and unripen form is used to make various dishes from healthy breakfast refreshing smoothies to yummy flavorful curries for lunch or dinner and its seed is used to make interesting snacks.

Jackfruit was first found in India and the southeast part of Asia, it was later introduced to the Spanish empire. It is well known for its sweet and fleshy flavor.

Benefits of Including Jackfruit in Your Diet

Nutritional Profile of Jackfruit

Including jackfruit in your diet can fulfill your 15.7% of the daily fruit and vegetable requirement. it contains nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and fiber that protect the body from stress and inflammation.

A slice of jackfruit (approx 200 grams) provides:

sodium3.3 mg
carbohydrates38.3 g
fat1.1 g
sugar32 g
protein2.8 g
vitamin C22.6 mg
potassium739 mg

Health Benefits

In summer, exposure of your skin to harmful UV rays and pollution damages skin cells. Jackfruit also has anti-aging properties which destroy free radicals in the body and help skin. It is also rich in water content which hydrates your skin.

Jackfruit contains the antioxidant vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system by fighting common infections in your body.

It is an easily digested fruit, it gives instant energy to the body without much fat. it is best for weight-conscious people.

It is rich in potassium, which helps to maintain normal blood pressure in the body and protects heart health.

Improves digestion as fruit is rich in fiber and effective in softening your fecal waste.

Exploring Healthy Jackfruit Recipes

Breakfast options:

1. Jack fruit smoothie 


Fresh ripe jack fruit, sugar syrup, cream, milk, ice cubes.


Remove the seeds from the jack fruit with the help of a knife add all the ingredients together in a blender and make a thick smoothie. transfer it to a glass and garnish it with coconut cream for the best flavor.

2. Jack fruit pancake


Ripe jack fruit, all-purpose flour, baking powder, cardamom powder, sugar, black salt, butter, and milk.


Blend jack fruit with some milk in the mixture. take all-purpose flour in a bowl mix a tablespoon of baking powder and cardamom powder, sugar, and black salt to the flour add the blended jack fruit and milk to make a smooth batter.

Keep the batter at rest for 15 minutes. heat the pan add a slice of butter and pour a spoonful of batter into the pan after 2-3 minutes flip it to the other side and cook until golden brown. top it with honey and butter and serve.

Lunch/ Dinner options:

1. Jack fruit curry or Kathal ki sabzi


Oil, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, nigella seeds, bay leaves, dried red chilies, onion, garlic, ginger, coriander powder, turmeric, black pepper, green jack fruit, tomatoes, salt, and water.


Cut green jack fruit into pieces by applying oil on your hand because it has a sticky texture that may ruin your hands. dip chopped jackfruit into boiling water for 20 mins. remove extra water and remove the peel of seeds.

Heat oil in a pan, add mustard, custard, and nigella seeds after a minute add bay leaves, and red chilly. add onion and tomato puree and let it cook for 10 mins. add a paste of ginger garlic and you can add a paste of chasew nuts or ground nuts for a creamy texture when the gravy turns red and is cooked. add coriander powder, black pepper, turmeric, and salt according to taste.

At the end add boiled jack fruit cook for 5 minutes and your curry is ready. garnish with coriander leaves.

2. Jack fruit Tacos


jack fruit, onion, garlic, lime juice, tacos, pepper, salt, coriander leaves and toppings you like.


Heat a pan with oil, and add chopped onions and garlic to cook till brown add jack fruit slices and set the flame low for a cream and smoky flavour cook until half of the water is absorbed. smash everything with a smasher and add lime juice. pepper and salt according to taste.

warm the taco shells according to the directions given in the package. add a flavorful jack fruit and toppings like cheese, sauce, or cauliflower garnish with coriander leaves, and enjoy.

Snacks options:

1. Roasted jack fruit seeds


jack fruit seeds


Bake seeds in your oven to 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. let it cool, then remove the membrane of the seed. after roasting the shell is already cracked and open it is easy to remove. add a pinch of salt and any other seasoning of your choice and enjoy a super healthy and simple easy-to-make snack.

2. Jack fruit chips or Chakka Upperi 


Green jack fruit, oil, turmeric powder, and salt.


Cut the flesh of jack fruit into thin long slices. heat oil pan add a batch of jack fruit to the pan and fry until it’s crispy cooked. take 1/2 cup of water in a small bowl add salt and turmeric powder and stir until salt is dissolved. shower a spoonful of this mixture in fried jack fruit in the pan itself. take the fries out and enjoy.


1. How to select the best jackfruit while buying?

If the stem is sticky and a white liquid texture can be seen then it is a good one. look for the heavy fruit weigh it according to its size and press it to know if it is over-soft. select the green for curry and for dessert choose ripped fruit.

2. Does jackfruit seeds have any side effects?

No, there are no side effects of seeds but make sure that the seeds are cooked well and a membrane is peeled off before eating for better digestion. Seeds are nutritious and full of protein.

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