Google Doodle Celebrating The Flat White Coffee


Google Doodle Commemorates Flat White: March 11 saw Google Doodle honoring the global popularity of Flat White. This coffee concoction blends espresso with microfoam, characterized by a higher espresso-to-milk ratio than a caffè latte and a thinner layer of microfoam in comparison to a cappuccino.

Origin Of Flat White Coffee

There is speculation that the origins of the drink date back to the 1980s when it made its debut on menus in Sydney and Auckland, both in Australia and New Zealand. Typically presented in a ceramic cup, the flat white consists of an espresso shot layered with steamed milk and a delicate topping of microfoam.

With a smoother texture compared to cappuccinos or lattes, flat whites have gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts seeking a beverage with less foam.

Frequently, baristas showcase their expertise by skillfully pouring and creating artistic designs—a familiar scene in many cafes throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Over the years, the coffee culture has evolved, bringing about various methods to craft the perfect flat white. Regardless of its origins, coffee lovers globally unanimously appreciate it as a preferred morning or afternoon pick-me-up!


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