Escape the Sun Tan: Home Remedies, Yoga Poses and Tips

In this hot summer, protecting skin from sunshots is tricky. Sun Tan not only affects your look but also causes many skin issues. We will discuss methods to overcome tanning with the help of home remedies, yoga poses, and some bonus tips at the end.

Understanding Sun Tan


When your skin is exposed to the sun for a long period, UV rays cause sunburn. Melanin is a natural pigment of the body it helps the skin to repair the damage caused by sunburn and protect the skin, with a production of melanin in the body which results in darker skin.

Effects of Long Exposure to Sun:

UV rays don’t only affect skin with sunburn but also increase the chances of skin cancer and premature aging by affecting your immune system.

Home Remedies For Sun Tan Removal

Natural Ingredients to Treat Sun Tan:

There are plenty of Natural Ingredients. Here is a list of selected ingredients that help lighten the skin tone and give your skin a natural glow.

Lemoncitric acid (bleaching agent)lighten skin tone
Honeyhumectantmoisturize skin
Cucumbercooling naturecalm the skin
Milklactic acidexfoliant
Gram Flouranti-flammatoryremove dead skin
Curdlactic acidfade sun tan
Potatonatural enzymereduce production of melanin
Orangenatural oil & antioxidants. unclog pores

Preparation of Home Remedies:

Remedies can be prepared easily at home using simple ingredients in the kitchen.

1. Lemon and Honey: 

Honey & Lemon

Mix half a spoon of lemon juice with honey and blend it well on a small plate with a good consistency of mixture

Apply on the face for 20-30 minutes and wash with cold water

2. Cucumber and Milk:

Cucumber & Milk

Blend half a cup of milk with slices of cucumber for a smooth paste, apply for 20 minutes, then wash it off.

3. Gram Flour and Curd

Gram flour & curd

Take one tablespoon of gram flour in a small bowl and add a pinch of turmeric powder. add thick and fresh curd and mix all together for paste.

Apply a thick mask on the skin and wait until it is semi-dry for around 30 minutes then wash it.

4. Potato Juice:

Potato juice

Blend a potato in a mixture grinder, squeeze the juice out, and apply to the skin. wash after 15 minutes.

5. Orange Peel Powder & Honey

Make a paste of orange peel powder and honey. apply on the affected area and wash after 20-30 minutes.

Embracing Yoga For Skin Health

The practice of yoga doesn’t only improve physical and mental health but promotes healthy, glowy skin. Yoga improves blood circulation, reduces stress, prevents acne, heals damaged skin cells, and creates a glow.

Specific Yoga Poses For Skin Health:

1. Camel pose or Ustrasana: Promotes blood flow and detoxifies the bloodstream.

2. Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana: This pose increases blood circulation of the face as we stand in an inverted form that improves skin.

3. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana: Increase oxygen flow in the body, while posing our chest opens up and prevents premature aging.

4. Rabbit pose or Sasangasana: It is a relaxed pose that helps reduce stress, and tension and increase blood circulation in the face.

5. Triangle pose or Trikonasana: Improves digestion, stretches in pose help to tone the muscle of the face and improve skin.

6. Plow pose or Halasana: Increases blood circulation to the face and relieves stress.

Try every pose for 2 minutes in 3-5 sets and unlock the magic.


1. Wear sunscreen which suits your skin type before going out.

2. Avoid exposure of skin to sun, try to stand under shade as far as possible.

3. Cover your face with a scarf and prefer fully covered clothes like full sleeves.

4. Stay hydrated.

5. Eat fruits rich in vitamin C like cucumber, orange, watermelon, and tomato.


1. Does one use of home remedies show instant results?

No, you may feel that your skin is clear for a day but if you don’t continue with remedy alternate days or thrice a week it won’t show the best result.

2. Can yoga help in improving skin?

Yes, it is a very good and impactful way to clear skin. yoga helps lighten skin tone and also yoga gives a unique shiny glow from the inside naturally.

3. Any side effects of Remedies?

There are no side effects of remedies as such because the ingredients used are all-natural, but if your skin is allergic to any ingredient or after applying if you feel uncomfortable you can avoid that remedy.








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