6 Incredible Banana Peel Hacks You Never Imagined

No more wastage of banana peels because we are here with amazing life hacks. Banana Peel is a store of delightful things. From skin care to gardening tips, it offers many benefits you are unaware of, so let’s discover new useful hacks and give them a try.

Skincare Benefits:

Banana peel has rich content and natural properties that offer a variety of skincare benefits.

  1. potassium: moisturizes dull, rough skin and softens dry, chapped lips.
  2. Vitamin C: reduces aging and brightens your skin by fighting against free radicals and increasing collagen production.
  3. Vitamin E and Lutein: heals sunburn and protects skin from UV rays and pollutants. It acts as an antioxidant, and its cooling properties soothe your skin.
  4. Vitamin B (B6, B12): reduces excess oil production in the skin, reduces inflammation and irritation, and maintains the skin’s elasticity and shine.
  5. Zinc: promotes clear skin by reducing acne and marks on the face.
  6. Fiber: cleanses your skin and removes all the impurities from the topmost layer of skin.
  7. Potassium and Vitamin E: reduce the dark circles under your eyes, hydrating and nourishing the skin.

Application Process:

Now let’s see the step-by-step process of using banana peel on the skin. Don’t miss any of the steps. Be careful because your skin is sensitive. Any missing step can have a bad effect on your skin. It’s important to use it safely.

  1. Select a well-ripened yellow banana fruit for the best results.
  2. Wash the banana peel thoroughly under running water to remove the dirt from the surface.
  3. Now prepare it for the skin treatment by scratching the inside layer (white part) of the peel with the help of a fork or fingernails. It helps release natural oils and nutrients like vitamins B6 and B12. They are absorbed quickly into your skin after scratching.
  4. For easier handling and no waste of banana, cut it into small sections.
  5. Rub one section of peel and gently massage inside the scratched part of your skin in a circular motion. Do not forget to clean your skin before application.
  6. After 10–15 minutes, when all the nutrients have penetrated the skin, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  7. You may feel a tingling sensation, which indicates that the peel is working.
  8. Pat dry your skin; do not rub it.
  9. Follow up with your skincare routine, like moisturizer and sunscreen, to lock in moisture.
  10. repeat banana peel treatment three times per week for effective results.

Gardening Tips:

The nutrient-rich banana peel can also make magic in your garden.

  1. Potassium, phosphorous, and calcium:  act as natural fertilizers, enrich the soil, and promote healthy plant growth. accelerate the process of seeds starting indoors. prevent diseases in plants and balance the pH level.
  2. Odor: keeps unwanted insects away from plants because the strong odor of peel acts as a natural repellent.
  3. Sweet aroma: helps to pollinate the flower. Hanging a dried banana peel in your garden to attract butterflies and pollinators promotes biodiversity.

Directions to Use:

Let’s see the various methods to use banana peel for multi-purpose use in your garden.

Method 1: Banana peel tea spray


  1. Wash and cut banana peel into a smooth paste and mix it in the soil for fast decomposition and release of nutrients.
  2. Pour water into a large container, like a gallon-sized jug, and add chopped banana peels to it.
  3. Add a tablespoon of Epsom salt, which provides magnesium.
  4. Leave the jug in a dark place for 48 hours (2 days).
  5. Strain the mixture to remove solid pieces of peel.
  6. Dilute the banana peel tea with water at a ratio of 1:2.
  7. Transfer the dilute solution to a spray bottle and use it on the affected plants.
  8. Store leftover solutions in an airtight container in the refrigerator for future use.


Cut banana peels into small pieces and bury them in the soil.


Blend peels into a smooth paste and mix in the soil.

Other uses of Banana Peel:

  1. Rubbing the inside part of a banana peel on silver items like knives and forks to remove tarnish and shine
  2. It helps to restore the shine of leather bags, shoes, belts, and wallets.
  3. Banana peel is also a natural wood polish and gives a beautiful shine to your furniture.
  4. helps to reduce pain and swelling as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.


Q1. Can I go outside in the sun after applying a banana peel to my skin?

Banana peel contains fewer natural acids it is not a good idea to go outside in the sun applying this skincare.

Q2. May I leave the banana remedy overnight on my face?

No, besides moisturizing and soothing your skin it develops bacteria after decomposing which may harm your skin so you should wash it after 10-15 minutes.

Q3. Can I use the spray for indoor plants like Moneyplant or Tulsi?

Yes, you can use it for indoor plants like money plants and tulsi to avoid aphids or small insects. and to give a nutrient to plant after spraying leaves look fresh.



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